Tuesday 17 November 2015

The British Council at ANIA C2 & C1 - Lesson 24

Group 5 C2
12:30 pm
Listening for gist, note-taking and summarising skills.

Task (to be finished for homework and handed in next lesson)
Based on your notes from the listening, write a 250 word essay summarising the main arguments regarding Great Britain's renegotiation with the E.U.

Listening texts:
Yesterday in Parliament (whole podcast) http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p037qblk
What The Paper's Say 8/11/2015 ( from 4:15 where they talk about Theresa May and Michael Deakin's satirical take on the German response to the renegotiation) http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b06npkft
Law In Action (from 15:10 - 20:44 for the interview with Dr Silvia de Mars on the legal implications of a possible Brexit). http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b06np61n

Thin gruel
Pig in a poke
To give/get the thumbs up/down
To tinker around (with)
To bang the drum
To look at plans in the round
To pay lip service to something
To twig (= to suddenly realise)
To put your cards on the table

Language Training
Collocation (from Gold p. 144)

Going further
What the papers say 15/11/2015 
Group 7 C1
Grammarising task - turning headlines into grammatical text.
Reading - Journalism, Language Leader Advanced p.82.

Vocabulary exercise p. 83, questions 4 & 5.

Lo and behold
To get the axe/the chop/the sack = to be fired/sacked/dismissed
To keep in touch/to stay in touch 
To lose touch (with someone)

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