Thursday 12 May 2016

ANIA C2 Lesson 16

Listening - Desert Island Discs - Tom Hanks (BBC Radio 4)

Discussion - Classic albums, pop music and protest
"In the 60's you could write songs that were like calls to arms and it would work. Well, Kind ....ish. It's much harder to do that now." Thom Yorke (Interview with George Monbiot, Télérama, 2015)

Reading - album reviews

Woke (adjective - slang) socially aware.
To take someone to task = to call into account/blame/censure
Run of the mill = ordinary
To put out an album/disc = release music
Hopping mad = very angry
Fellow traveller = someone who sympathises with your (political) beliefs
(Opening) gambit = a risky, strategic move
To let (something) rip = lose control/proceed without restraint
Foxy = clever/sly
To come/arrive thick and fast = a large number of something occurring rapidly
To grab you by the throat = to get your complete attention
(To wear your) heart on your sleeve = to make your feelings obvious.
To pooh-pooh something (especially an idea/argument) = to say something is not very good.
Motorik = 4/4 beat used in Kraut rock for example on records by Can, Neu! or Kraftwerk. 

Listen to the rest of the Desert Island Discs podcast and/or songs from the albums discussed today and share your reactions with the group in the comments section below.

1. Formation Beyoncé

2. Drone Bomb Me Anohni

3. Burn the Witch Radiohead

Going further
Forget 1966, because 1981 was pop's year of revolution

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