Lesson 2
28th February 11:30am
For your course outline go to http://seansenglishclassroom.pbworks.com/w/page/63779549/GPII%20Group%2011%20B2%20Plus%20Module%201 Check to see when your assessments are and if you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know.
1. Criminal Trials - collocations for Criminal Law
2. The Problem With Translation
3. Education and Employment Language Leader Advanced Unit 1.1
Reading & Vocabulary.
Homework & Self Study
1. Read the articles on Jury trials from the links above. Note any new vocabulary for your self study - remember the 8 x 8 method. What do you think about the views discussed in the articles?
2. Write a paragraph comparing and constrasting criminal trials in Italy and the U.K. using the collocations you learnt today.
3. Create your own error checklist see: http://seansenglishclassroom.pbworks.com/w/page/37583119/Correction-Checklist-For-L1-Italian-Speakers
15 years ago