Tuesday 26 February 2013

GPII Group 4 B2+2

Lesson 2
Tuesday 26th February 5pm

To find your course outline go to: http://seansenglishclassroom.pbworks.com/w/page/63779328/GPII%20Group%204%20B2%20Plus%20Module%202
Here you can see what we will be doing each week and when your assessments are. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me.

1. Vocabulary Skills
2. Criminal Trials in the U.K.
3. The problem with translation http://seansenglishclassroom.pbworks.com/w/page/11442650/Sentence%20Structure and creating an error checklist http://seansenglishclassroom.pbworks.com/w/page/37583119/Correction-Checklist-For-L1-Italian-Speakers

Homework & Self Study
1. Read the articles on Jury trials from the links above. Note any new vocabulary for your self study - remember the 8 x 8 method. What do you think about the views discussed in the articles?
2. Write a paragraph comparing and constrasting criminal trials in Italy and the U.K. using the collocations you learnt today.
3. Create your own error checklist see: http://seansenglishclassroom.pbworks.com/w/page/37583119/Correction-Checklist-For-L1-Italian-Speakers

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