Thursday 28 February 2013

GPII Group 11 B2+1

Lesson 2
28th February 11:30am

For your course outline go to Check to see when your assessments are and if you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know.

1. Criminal Trials - collocations for Criminal Law
2. The Problem With Translation
3. Education and Employment Language Leader Advanced Unit 1.1
Reading & Vocabulary.

Homework & Self Study
1. Read the articles on Jury trials from the links above. Note any new vocabulary for your self study - remember the 8 x 8 method. What do you think about the views discussed in the articles?
2. Write a paragraph comparing and constrasting criminal trials in Italy and the U.K. using the collocations you learnt today.
3. Create your own error checklist see:

Wednesday 27 February 2013

ECII Group 1 B2+1

Lesson 2
27th February 2:30pm

For a copy of your course outline go to: when your assessments are. If you have any questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact me.

Vocabulary Skills & Strategies
The Trouble with Translation
Education & Employment Unit 1.1 - Reading and discussion

Self Study - Learn 8 new words from a reading or listening text of your choice. Remember the 8 x 8 method.
Self Study - make a checklist of your typical errors see:

GPI Group 17 B1.2

Lesson 2
27th February 11:30 am

For a copy of this term's programme please go to
Make a note of when your assessments are. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions.

Unit 4.1 - Learning Languages - Reading, Discussion, Vocabulary - phrasal verbs
Unit 4.2 - Text Speak - Listening and Furure Forms (p. 40, 140 -141 G1)

Class Notes:
Slang  - informal language – often changes very quickly or particular to a social group or generation.e.g.”totes emosh”  = totally emotionally – really great! Go to for other examples.
Phrasal verbs
Pick up, catch on*, let (someone) down, fall behind*, take up, keep up with*, get by*
Which are separable? Which are inseparable?
He had fallen behind in his work.
I can get by in English
I picked up French quite quickly/I picked it up quickly
Remember collocation
Take up a sport/ a hobby/ a language

1. Self Study  find a reading or listening text and highlight all the future forms and their functions.
2. Reading p. 40 - 41
3. Vocabulary p. 41

Tuesday 26 February 2013

GPII Group 4 B2+2

Lesson 2
Tuesday 26th February 5pm

To find your course outline go to:
Here you can see what we will be doing each week and when your assessments are. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me.

1. Vocabulary Skills
2. Criminal Trials in the U.K.
3. The problem with translation and creating an error checklist

Homework & Self Study
1. Read the articles on Jury trials from the links above. Note any new vocabulary for your self study - remember the 8 x 8 method. What do you think about the views discussed in the articles?
2. Write a paragraph comparing and constrasting criminal trials in Italy and the U.K. using the collocations you learnt today.
3. Create your own error checklist see:

Thursday 21 February 2013

GPII Group 11 B2+1

GPII Group 11 B2+1
Lesson 1
Thursday 21st February 2013 11:30am

1. Goal Setting
General Course Information

2. Error Correction

Basic - not basical (suffixes)
Confidence/confident (suffixes)
Argument/topic - (vocabulary - false friends)

3.. The Election


  1. Buy a copy of the text book - Language Leader Advanced (Pearson/Longman). It is essential that you buy the course book. If you want to, you can also buy the workbook and use this for your self study. The book is available from the LUISS bookshop, Feltrinelli International and from Amazon
  2. Read the notes here and start your Self Study notebook/blog/folder
  3. Self Study Suggestion - write an email to Lizzie Davies outlining your views about the upcoming election. You can send it to her if you wish (either on Twitter at @lizzy_davies or by email at or add it to your self study journal/blog.
  4. Self Study Suggestion - read the emails on Lizzie Davies's blog from other Italian voters (go to )Do you agree or disagree with the views expressed?

Wednesday 20 February 2013

ECII Group 1 B2+1 Lesson 1

ECII Group 1 B2+1
Lesson 1
Wednesday 20th February 2013 3pm
Apologies for the confusion over the starting time today. The LUISS has now confirmed that the lesson will run from 2:30pm until 5pm as originally communicated to you and NOT from 3pm - 5:30pm as communicated to the British Council this week.


1. Goal Setting
For more Course information go to

2. Error Correction

do a mistake - make a mistake (collocation)
Economical  (suffixes)
He hasn't a good pronunciation  (verb structure - negative modal, countable/uncountable nouns)
Homeworks   Uncountable
Listen to someone - verb structure
Essay (pronunciation vowel sound)
Embarassed (pronunciation of ending)
I live in Rome since 2011 - Tense present perfect -  I have lived in Rome since 2011
I have lived in Rome since two years.   since/for

3. The Election
Discussion, Reading, Vocabulary

  1. Buy a copy of the text book - Language Leader Advanced (Pearson/Longman). It is essential that you buy the course book. If you want to, you can also buy the workbook and use this for your self study. The book is available from the LUISS bookshop, Feltrinelli International and from Amazon
  2. Read the notes here and start your Self Study notebook/blog/folder
  3. Self Study Suggestion - write an email to Lizzie Davies outlining your views about the upcoming election. You can send it to her if you wish (either on Twitter at @lizzy_davies or by email at or add it to your self study journal/blog.
  4. Self Study Suggestion - read the emails on Lizzie Davies's blog from other Italian voters (go to )Do you agree or disagree with the views expressed?

GPI Group 17 B1.2 Lesson 1

GPI Group 17 B1.2
Lesson 1
Wednesday 20th February 2013 11:30 am

Goal Setting
Achieving your goal through self study. For notes on self study see:
For course information see:

Criminal Trials in the U.K.
Collocations - pass sentence, plead guilty or not guilty, go on trial
Pronunciation - Judge, Trial - be careful!

Pistorius Bail Hearing - Video Listening
Key Vocabulary
Bail hearing, Intruder, Premeditated murder, Motive, Appear in court
Do you think he will get a fair trial?
Do you think he should be allowed bail?

Homework/Self Study
1. Crime and the Legal System Worksheet Question 4. Are these statements true or false for the U.K.? For Italy?
2. Start your self study blog/folder/notebook
3. Read/Watch the video of the Pistorius bail hearing - note down any criminal law vocabulary that you hear.
4. Write a paragraph comparing and contrasting criminal trials in Italy and the U.K.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

British Council English Courses at the LUISS: GPII Group 4 B2+2

GPII Group 4 B2+2
Tuesday 19th February 2013 5pm

1. Course Aims and Personal goals

2. Error Correction
Fascinated - pronunciation - silent letters
Trial, Youth - pronunciation - vowel sounds
Become/became - grammar problem or pronunciation problem?
Penal law - Criminal Law - collocation/false friends/overtranslation
It can understand you - It can make you understand - verb structure
Economic/Economical - suffixes

3. The Election
Discussion, reading, listening, election vocabulary


  1. Read the notes here and start your Self Study notebook/blog/folder
  2. Self Study Suggestion - write an email to Lizzie Davies outlining your views about the upcoming election. You can send it to her if you wish (either on Twitter at @lizzy_davies or by email at or add it to your self study journal/blog.
  3. Self Study Suggestion - read the emails on Lizzie Davies's blog from other Italian voters (go to ). Do you agree or disagree with the views expressed?

Monday 18 February 2013

LUISS Spring Term 2013

SPI Group 4
Lesson 1
Monday 18th February 2pm

1. Course Aims and Personal goals

2. Error Correction

Gives a good preparation – prepares you well (use verbs rather than nouns)
Interested in   (verb/adjective + preposition collocations)
Take part in
Economics – Economy (noun forms)
Choose chose chosen choice  (vowel sounds)
3. The Election
Discussion, reading, listening, election vocabulary
  1. Read the notes here and start your Self Study notebook/blog/folder
  2. Self Study Suggestion - write an email to Lizzie Davies outlining your views about the upcoming election. You can send it to her if you wish (either on Twitter at @lizzy_davies or by email at or add it to your self study journal/blog.
  3. Self Study Suggestion - read the emails on Lizzie Davies's blog from other Italian voters (go to: ). Do you agree or disagree with the views expressed? 

2. The Election
Discussion, reading, listening, election vocabulary

3. Error Correction from today's lesson
Party (plural ies) - not 'Part'
Political (adjective) Politics (noun) Politician (noun) - remember suffixes.
Pay attention to ('not on')
To focus on (not 'focalize')
Diplomat (noun) Diplomatic (adjective)
Crisis (vowel sounds)

  1. Buy a copy of the text book - Language Leader Advanced (Pearson/Longman). It is essential that you buy the course book. If you want to, you can also buy the workbook and use this for your self study. The book is available from the LUISS bookshop, Feltrinelli International and from Amazon
  2. Read the notes here and start your Self Study notebook/blog/folder
  3. Self Study Suggestion - write an email to Lizzie Davies outlining your views about the upcoming election. You can send it to her if you wish (either on Twitter at @lizzy_davies or by email at or add it to your self study journal/blog.
  4. Self Study Suggestion - read the emails on Lizzie Davies's blog from other Italian voters (go to: ). Do you agree or disagree with the views expressed?