Tuesday 7 May 2013

Preparing for your Tutorial - Important Notes for ALL LUISS Groups

The course isn't over with the test. There is still one more, very important lesson to go and the attitude, insights and work you present during your private tutorial could mean the difference between you going on to the next module or repeating the course again. For example, imagine you sit the progress test this week and you are not happy. You find it too hard or you feel you are unprepared. Don't just wait for your bad result and expect to fail. Think about where you went wrong. Revisit the areas you found difficult - in your notes, in the text book or on the internet and come prepared to talk about this in your tutorial. Your teacher can help you - especially if you are the kind of student who has difficulty doing or preparing for written tests.

You can also prepare for your tutorial next week by thinking about the following questions:

  • What have you learnt this semester?
  • What areas have you improved?
  • What areas do you still need to improve on?
  • How are you going to improve your English when the course is finished?

The tutorial is your last chance to hand in or do any course work for final marking (e.g. essays, reports, presentations, speaking assessments or progress tests). You will also be asked to present your self study blog/folder/notebook and talk about the ways you have tried to improve your English independently this term.

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