Wednesday 2 December 2015

D'Amico Shipping B2 Lesson 4

Business and economics - discussion and word pairs
(Taken from Language Leader Advanced (Pearson) unit 11, p. 112

Brand recognition/brand awareness
Business (countable) = company
Business (uncountable) = commercial activity
To make redundancies/to make someone redundant = to cut the number of staff for economic reasons.

Commonly confused words
Can you lend me some money?
Can I borrow some money (from you)?
I lent John some money.
John borrowed some money from me.
I have to pay off my student loan.
I have a lot of credit card debt.

Error correction
Since now x
From now

Finish your example sentences for today's vocabulary.

Going further - keeping up your English during the break.
The most effective way to prevent your English from getting rusty is to make sure you get regular listening paractice. It doesn't need to be a lot but it does need to be often. Look at previous posts for recommended websites and podcasts. On the follwing link you will find a suggested procedure for using dvds to help with your listening.
Here you will also find specific film lessons (e.g. Annie Hall, Silver Linings Playbook)

If you are interested in the story behind Apple, check out the film, Steve Jobs, which is coming soon to a cinema near you. 

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