Thursday 13 October 2016

ANIA C2 Group 8 (2pm)

Literature and Language Learning - Part One: Margaret Atwood
Introduction - Discussion

  1. What was the last novel that you really enjoyed?
  2. Do you have a favourite author whose books you particularly like?
  3. What genres do you prefer? Historical novels? Thrillers? Dystopian Fiction?
  4. Have you read any books both in their original language and in translation? How different was the reading experience for you?

Listening - Margaret Atwood

  1. How does Margaret Atwood’s novel, The Heart Goes Last, demonstrate the intersection between storytelling and new technology?
  2. How does the author describe the book?
  3. What is the setting of the novel?
  4. Why did Atwood want to write about penal institutions?
  5. According to Mat Johnson, what is the most enjoyable characteristic of Atwood’s work?
  6. In Atwood's opinion,’why are readers more attracted to fantasy fiction now? 

Check your answers by listening again by reading the summary provided on the link (also available on the handout).
(n.b. it is a summary not a word for word transcript)


  1. Margaret Atwood is Canadian. Do you notice any differences between her accent and U.S. accents you have heard? 
  2. Would you be interested in reading The Heart Goes Last? Why/why not?
  3. Read through the summary again noting any new words, collocations, phrasal verbs, fixed phrases and idiomatic expressions. 
New Vocabulary
  • wry


Word forms: wrier, wriest, wryer or wryest
  • scrounge
Verb informal

1. (when intr, sometimes foll by around) to search in order to acquire (something) without cost
2. to obtain or seek to obtain (something) by cadging or begging

  • footing
secure grip by or for the feet

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