Tuesday 17 April 2018

Lombardi Segni & Associati Legal English Course Lesson 22

12:00 pm B1
Error Correction - discussion & exercises
Identifying and assessing the seriousness of mistakes:  Does the error cause a misunderstanding? Does the error block communication?


  1. Correct your email
  2. Look at the error correction exercises that we did today. Which mistakes are (a) the most serious, (b) ones that you typically make?

1:30 pm C1/C2

  • U.K. Court Structure recap
  • Discussion: The role of the judiciary - U.K. versus Italy 
  • Listening:  The crisis in judicial recruitment - Law in Action 14/3/2017 https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08hnly2 (from 7:20)

    to plead guilty or not guilty
    to be short of something
    to pack something in 

    Listen to the final interview with Lord Justice Burnett (22:00 to the end of the podcast) and answer the following questions:
    1. How serious is the problem of finding suitable High Court Judges?
    2. How many High Court Judges does he need to recruit?
    3. What percentage of the High Court Bench does this represent? 
    4. How many applicants have they had? Is this number increasing or reducing? 
    5. How many judges do they need to find for the Circuit Bench? 
    6. How many judges do they need for the Civil (County) Courts?
    7. What are the three main consequences of this problem?
    8. Why is morale so important? 

    Going Further:

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