Monday 18 September 2017

ANIA Group Courses

ANIA Group Courses Monday 18th September

12:30pm Group 1 - Level B2
Lesson 19
Learner Training: How listening and pronunciation can help you with grammar.
The difference between stressed timed and syllable timed languages
For more notes and exercises go to:

New Vocabulary

Find a listening resource (podcast, video, DVD) and think about how you can use this to work on developing your grammar use and improving your listening skills.

2:00pm Group 2 - Level C1
Lesson 19
50 Things that Made the Modern Economy
Find the article here:

to want a slice of something
a robust afterlife
to make waves
an uneven playing field
a venerable idea
to weigh in
to be on/up for something

occasion to know  opportunity to meet
economic or economical?
they met at the college

What would be your suggestion for the 51st thing? Give reasons why this invention or process should be included in the programme, considering both the importance of the invention to the modern economy and why listeners may be interested in learning about it.
Follow up
Go to the website and see if your suggestion has been included in either the first 50 episodes or the shortlist for the 51st.

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