Wednesday 2 May 2018

ANIA 2018: C1 & C2 (Wednesday) Lesson 10

Lesson 10
12:30pm C1
Vocabulary - The Mind, Memory & Forgetting
to jog your memory
too clever by half
to be all at sea/at a loss

N.B. the expression by half  = by an excessive amount or to an excessive degree
e.g. He's too arrogant by half

Speaking Skills - Collaborative Task
I'd like to pick up on what you said about...
If I could just jump in there...
How do you see it?
Would you agree with me on that?

Advanced Expert (pp. 144 145)
Complete the writing task (article) on p. 142 if you haven't already done so.

2:00pm C2
Correction & Hyper-Correction
Slips and Mistakes 
What mistakes are you happy to let slide?

You are going to listen to an extract from the episode, Across the Pond from The Allusionist podcast from 6th April 2018.
To listen: 
For the transcript go to:

  1. What does the expression across the pond mean?
  2. What is hyper-correction? What examples do they give? (16:40)
  3. According to Lynne Murphy why do we want to learn grammar? (20:00)
  4. What does she say about English in the 19th, 20th and 21st Centuries?
  5. Complete the quotation from the interview:
English deserves our ______________, not our _______________.

Going Further
Lynne Murphy, The Prodigal Tongue

Ruth Ellis - Letter Analysis
How does this relate to today's lesson on Hyper-correction?
Analyse her letter focussing on
(A) Content:
  • What information does the letter give you? 
  • What is the situation? 
  • Who is writing and why? 
  • Who is it to? 
  • What is it about? 
(B) Style:
  • What mistakes or non-standard features of her English can you identify? Think about spelling, punctuation, register, appropriacy and vocabulary choice.What does this tell you about Ruth Ellis and her situation? 

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