Wednesday 9 May 2018

ANIA 2018: C1 & C2 (Wednesday) Lesson 11

Lesson 11
12:30pm C1
Class - Learner Training

  1. Analysing errors - cause and effect
  2. Noun/adjective/verb + preposition combinations (p. 146)


  1. Cross Text Multiple Matching (p.147). Be sure to read the task strategy (p. 168) before attempting the question.
  2. Follow up reading - Researchers identify ideal ages for language learning

2:00pm C2
Class - Speaking Skills

This is America
The Video:
The Symbolism:
The Choreography:

Going Further
"Money Talks - What language Does it Speak?"
Julie Tetel Andresen
The Key - The Allusionist
The Rosetta Disk

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