Saturday 5 April 2014

GPIV Groups 1 & 3 Lesson 7

Lesson 7
Negotiation Skills

  1. In what situations might a lawyer be called on to negotiate? Think about: Company Law, Commercial Law, Family Law, Criminal Law.
  2. What skills and qualities should a good negotiator have?
  3. What is the difference between being assertive and being aggressive? Which quality is more effective when negotiating?
  4. What cultural differences might be important to consider when negotiating with a lawyer from another country?
  5. What do you think the following expression means: “Put yourself in the other side’s shoes – but don’t stay there too long.”?
  6. What are agreement templates and term sheets? Why should you be careful when using them? 
  7. What negotiating techniques do you know? Horse Trading? BATNA (Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement) or bottom line?
  8. When negotiating a number (e.g. a price) who should make the first offer you or the opposing side?
  9. If the price you want to pay is 50 but the first figure the seller offers is 75, what should your first counter offer be?
  10. What is a merger clause and why is it important to get the other side to throw out any clauses you disagree with?
For answers and functional language see:

Key Vocabulary:
Family Law: Division of Property, Custody, Access, Maintenance
Criminal Law: Bail, Plea Bargain
Competition Law: Restraint of trade, Franchise, Franchisee, Franchisor

Speaking Assessment - Negotiation Role-play - Contract formation

Areas to work on:
Suffixes: guarantee
High Numbers: €250,000.00 = two hundred and fifty thousand euros.

Write up your agreement. Bring it in next week to see if you and your negotiating partner have drawn up the same agreement.

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