Wednesday 23 March 2016

ANIA B2.3 Lesson 10


  1. Discussion: Italian perceptions of the insurance industry.
  2. The problems of over-translation. Rewriting and editing.
  1. Look at the changes you made in the exercise today. Can you categorise them? e.g. false friends, collocation, word complementation (verb structure). Check your ideas with the editing checklist here:
  2. Reading: Is there a similar problem in Italy? Check the article for useful phrases for talking about insurance. 
* rort = an Australasian word for a fraudulent or dishonest practice.
a gravy train = a very easy job that gives you lots of money or benefits.

Compare: last night (yesterday) and the other night (a few nights ago).

There is no lesson next week. Happy Easter and see you all again on Wednesday 6th April. 

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