Wednesday 30 March 2016

D'Amico Shipping B2 Lesson 16


  1. No/Not
  2. BEC Vantage Writing Task - short email. Criteria, analysis and practice, p. 45
  3. Unit 8 - Advertising - introduction - vocabulary and discussion pp. 62 - 63
giving/leading a seminar/workshop

Find a TV commercial that you particularly like or find memorable. Post a link to it in the comments section below (you will probably need to log on to Google to do this) and tell us why you like this ad. Did the ad make you buy the product or think more favourably about the company it was advertising? 

A recent favourite of mine is "Piggy Sue" from Vodafone New Zealand. As an animal lover I couldn't resist it.  I was already a Vodafone customer in New Zealand (though not in Italy - but that could change soon when I free myself from the contractual obligations of an odious competitor) before seeing the ad but I felt that the commercial enhanced the company's image by showing how Vodafone was keeping people connected especially in isolated rural areas.

The ad campaign was so successful that it produced another commercial especially for the Christmas holidays. 


Unknown said...

Hi Guys!

This is my choise for next week... this commercial is quite old, but reminds me when I was a child!


I really love it mainly for the following reasons:
- You really care about the story and the little girl
- You can feel Strong Family Value
- Happy Ending in which the product is fully committed!

Surely, at that time, if I had to buy a pack of pasta, I would have chosen that one...also because the company was really well-known in Italy (as it is nowadays).
This commercial definitely reinforced company market share.

Andrea said...

I remember this TV advertise when I was a little boy! This commercial brings back memories. I miss the 90s , so funny and entertaining to watch, it was amusing then and it's hilarious now. Especially loved the expression of the “levis dude” after police motorcycle theft.
When it was shown in some countries was censored.
Levi's marketing has often made use of recordings of popular music in television commercials, ranging from traditional pop to punk rock.(flat beat- mr oizo) This commercial is what introduced me to Shaggy as well.
Levi's jeans were popular among a wide range of youth subcultures but the song Boombastic gained popularity after being featured in this tv commercial.
I have purchased levis jeans for peer pressure. I was influenced on behavior during adolescence , peer pressure has been a hallmark of my adolescent experience.
In the end, this commercial has been influenced me to listen reggae fusion!

S.B. said...

Thanks for sharing your interesting choices!
Keep them coming.

Unknown said...

as Andrea "stole" my idea, I had to find a new one :)

the claim is: Today is the right day to experiment!!!

I saw this Ikea commercial last week end and I liked it because I found it funny, intelligent and sweet.
Ikea never focuses directly on a specific product as Ikea is more a way of living. The products are always present but they are part of the scenario, of the context, they furnsh the background for a everyday story, which could happen to anyone...
It didn't really change my feeling about the brand, but it reinforced the idea that Ikea makes you live an experience with feelings that are more connected to the values of family, friendship, then to a specific product.

Valerio said...
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Valerio said...

Hi Guys,
This is my choise for next week...

The claim is: "Italians do it better"

This is a 90 second commercial to promote italian product abroad, to support the export of real Italian food. Looking at this video I have had the feeling to dream and navigate in the real high-performing national sectors - like the FOOD Sector.
I'm just feeling a lot of anger toward the politicians that are not adopting a regulation capable of safeguarding the italian excellence.
I'm proud to be italian and buy italian products to get more, because we are able to turn our best ingredients into extraordinary products.

Unknown said...

I decided to post this 90's Ad for many reasons.
It's a sort of a short movie of 90 seconds. The place, the Colosseum, is really cool and also the characters represent a football era, that now it's almost lost.
But, above all, the claim Nike "Just do it" fits perfect for the message the Ad wants to trasmit: when you are facing a situation that seems overwhelming, don't give up, Just do it.
The spot was a sort of revolution in 1996, and many others companies follow the idea in subsequent years. I can guess the Ad contributed to consolidate Nike business in the football field.