Thursday 16 March 2017

D'Amico Shipping B1 Lesson14

Discussion: Fake News and Critical Thinking
Listening skills - What is critical thinking?
Reading skills - critical thinking.

Text: New Language Leader Intermediate pp. 54 - 55
Unit 5, recording 8, track 33

P. 55 question 5a (1 - 8) critical thinking reading task. Come to the next lesson ready to discuss your ideas and findings.

Iron out (problems/difficulties/a situation)

Collocations from the listening
Make a judgment/decision (verb + noun)
Carry out research (phrasal verb + noun)
Clear/unclear, critical/uncritical thinking (adjective + noun)
Based on
Curious about (adjective + preposition)

Verb structure
Encourage someone to do something
Expect someone to do something

Word Formation
Critic (noun - person), criticism (noun - concept), criticise (verb),  critical (adjective), critically (adverb).
Uncritical (opposite)

Presentation Timetable
As we discussed last week, part of your assessment this year will be based on a presentation. The presentation can be on a topic of your choice and you should aim to talk for between 5 - 10 minutes including time for questions. Don't think of it as a test but as an opportunity to practise a useful skill. In my feedback I will focus mostly on how you organised your talk and your use of signposting language. Check the timetable below to see when you have to give your presentation. In the lesson the week before your presentation you will have the opportunity to have a 15 minute private coaching session with me, so make sure you attend both of those lessons. 

30th March Maria Luisa (so your coaching session will be next week)
6th April Andrea
13th April Barbara
27th April Pierluigi
4th May Simonetta G.
11th May Luca
18th May Antonio
25th May Giuseppe
1st June Angelo
8th June Simonetta R. 
15th June Martina
22nd June Lorenzo

Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any doubts or questions.

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