Thursday 11 May 2017

D'Amico Shipping B1 Lesson 21

Presentation - Luca
Tutorial - Antonio

Vocabulary from today's presentation
Lexical set: dogs
Breed, bark, hair/fur, groom, brush, feed, kennel

Corrections - profile writing
He gave us a lot of advices advice 
She didn't give us many homework  much homework
False friends
Vote - grade
Matter - subject
Pass/fail an exam/a test/a course
Fixed phrases
In the other hand - on the other hand
Commonly confused words
The meaning is the same but the structure is different:
Say something to someone
Tell someone something

I can tell she was not friendly - I can tell you she was not friendly or I can say she was not friendly

I can tell (I could tell in the past) means I can see/understand
E.g. I could tell she was nervous because her hands were shaking. 

Reading and Discussion
The Montessori method pp. 58 - 59

Introduction to relative clauses
How you translate "che" depends on the context, function and part of speech. For example:
Adjective: what, which e.g. Which clothes shall I pack?
Conjunction: that, than
Pronoun: who, whom, what, which, such, that
Interjection: What? Really?

When you need to use a relative pronoun you can only use "that" when it introduces a defining (identifying) relative clause. Look at the examples below:

The man who/that lives next door is a famous writer (Defining relative clause, identifies the subject so you can use that or who)

John Smith, who lives next door, is a famous writer. (Non defining relative clause, only adds information must use who)

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