Tuesday 17 April 2012

British Council English Courses at the LUISS 17/4

British Council English Courses at the LUISS
Tuesday 17th April 2012

GPIV Group 1


Negotiation - language diplomacy & persuasiveness
Listening - Non Competition Clause
Role play - Negotiating a Contract for Sale - Assessment


Write up your contract including all the terms you agreed on. Bring it in next week for your partner to sign. Remember only sign it if the contract includes what you agreed.

GPI Group 10 Module B2+2

Presentations: Preparation & Delivery, Signposting Language, Introductions and Conclusions
Business Presentations P.120


Prepare a 5 minute presentation on your essay topic for next week. This is your speaking assessment and will be worth 25% of your final grade.
You do not have to prepare visual information but I would like you to try to use cue cards. Think about your aim and audience also make sure that your presentation is well organised and uses lots of signposting language (have a look at http://www.englishclub.com/speaking/presentations-lang.htm for more examples of signposting language). Take some time to practise your presentation and get a friend to listen to it and time how long it is.

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