1. Discussion: Youth Unemployment p. 98 see also the discussion on NEETS: http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2012/oct/22/not-in-education-employment-training-europe-neet
2. Synthesising Information: Unit 9.5 p.98 - 99
3. Avoiding Plagiarism: References and Citations, Summarising, Paraphrasing and Quoting. http://seansenglishclassroom.pbworks.com/w/page/38675201/Summarising%2C%20Paraphrasing%2C%20Quoting For more examples on how to cite a source in an essay and write a set of references at the end go to: http://www.uefap.com/writing/writfram.htm and https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/563/01/
4. Opinion Led Essay Unit 7.5 p. 79
5. Income Inequality - Listening Listening: Armstrong, A. (Producer). (2012, 10 April) The Public Philosopher (Series 1, Episode 2) Should a banker be paid more than a nurse? Podcast retrieved from http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01nmlh2
In your next lesson you will be writing an opinion led essay in class time. This will be your written assessment for this term and is worth 25% of your final grade. You may use dictionaries and ask questions during the lesson but please come prepared with paper and stationery. Your topic is income inequality but I will give you your specific essay question in class. Please do some research by listening to the rest of the BBC Radio 4 podcast Should a banker be paid more than a nurse? and making some notes. You can find other resources if you like but you must listen to the podcast as this will help you the most.
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