Thursday 11 October 2012

GPII Group 16 B1.3 11/10/12 Lesson 3

Lesson 3


Montessori - reading, defining relative clauses p. 82 -3, p. 148 -149
For more information on Maria Montessori see:
Vocabulary recycling using defining relative clauses.
Listening Strategies (p.85)
Editorial - University Fees - Reading, Non Defining Relative Clauses (p.84)


  1. Finish the work on Non Defining Relative Clauses p.85 question 6, P. 149 G2 question 3.
  2. Self Study: Writing Write a paragraph (60 - 100 words) on ONE of the questions on p.84 question 3 and include it with your self study. A good answer should include at least 3 sentences: (1) state your opinion (2) explain it (3) give an example. 
  3. Self Study: Listening Today we talked about listening strategies, do some practise this week and write about it in your self study. Podcasts are a great source of listening material - try some of the following:
Podcasts for English language learners with exercises and scripts

Check iTunes for podcasts which you can subscribe to for free

BBC Radio 5 has lots of podcasts on Film, Sport, Football, Politics, Science and many other topics.

The Guardian and other Newspapers have a lot of great audio and video content

For making your own podcasts and for online discussions and speaking practice go to:

Remember you don't have to listen to all the podcast at once - you can break up each episode and listen to 10 - 15 minutes each day. 

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