Friday 9 November 2012

ECIII Group 18 Module B2.4 Lesson 6 9/11/12

Lesson 6

Process Writing
Writing Assessment - Academic Essay

If you were absent today you MUST complete the essay for homework and bring it with you to class next week. Your essay should be approximately 250 words in length and address the following topic:

Discuss the factors which determine how much someone gets paid. Do you think that large differences in pay are justifiable?
Spend some time planning your essay using the notes in the link above and then spend 40 minutes writing it.

Self Study: As your progress test on 30th November will cover everything you have done at B2 level, start revising the language (grammar and vocabulary) you have learnt, not just this semester but in previous semesters. You will get credit for this revision as part of your self study grade and it will help you get a better mark in the test, so it's a win/win situation. Now is the time to check for anything you don't understand and ask me questions.

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