Wednesday 16 October 2013

GPII Group 5 Module B2+1 Lesson 4

Lesson 4

Homework answers - Continuous and Perfect Aspects
P. 11 
1d, 2c, 3a,b, 4c, 5b

  1. Will have been
  2. had already been
  3. has been
  4. have interviewed
  5. will have chosen
  6. to have finished
  7. Having completed
The sentences are all indicative of the perfect aspect because they all look back from one time to another. 

Language Reference & Extra Practice Answers
  1. has been working
  2. was trying
  3. is taking place/will be taking place
  4. had been improving
  5. is staying/will be staying
  6. was locking
  7. had not been concentrating
  1. had already found
  2. been negotiating
  3. has been
  4. closed
  5. to have
  6. been recruiting
  1. had been looking for
  2. had become
  3. has been selling
  4. founded
  5. had been
  6. had generated
  7. had been trading
  8. had laid off
  9. has incorporated
  10. will have become
Speaking Assessment -  Choosing an Intern
11.4, p. 12 - 13
Congratulations everyone, this task was very well done and everybody passed.

Introduction to Covering Letters
Unit 1.5 p. 14 - 15

To prepare for next week's in class writing assessment:
(1) Look at the model letter on p. 15 and answer the language question (q. 11)
(2) Have a look at this website and choose an internship which interests you Print off the page with the company information and the internship description and bring it with you to class. You will use this advertisement as the basis of your covering letter for the in class writing exercise next week.

Self Study
If you are still a little confused about tenses, e.g. past perfect simple & continuous, future perfect, then find a text (an article from the internet or a newspaper , a transcript of an interview, screenplay of a film), highlight all the tenses and then ask yourself why the writer/speaker has chosen them.

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